The marketing and advertising strategies that may have once worked for your business years ago, likely won’t be as effective today. If you’re ready to set your business up for a productive season ahead, it’s time to re-think your marketing efforts.
Video content is one of the most effective strategies available today. Is your business utilizing it yet?
When paired with printed materials, video in print is an innovative marketing method that will truly engage your target audience and increase your business.
A video booklet is one of the most popular videos in print solutions in that it combines an informative booklet with your embedded video. Captivate your potential buyers by showing them everything about your business and how you can help them.

If they aren’t yet, video booklets should be a part of your marketing mix. Discover 5 ways video booklets can help with new business:
Leave a Lasting Impression
A video booklet is a distinctive way of spreading information and providing details about your business. This interaction with potential clients is imperative when trying to form a connection and keep your brand at the top of their mind. Giving the client an opportunity to hear from you and your business truly gives them insight into what your business can provide.
This form of video marketing is an eye-catching piece that cannot be compared to traditional print marketing methods. With attention-grabbing details and video, clients are bound to never forget this unique experience they shared with your video booklet. Stand out amongst the competition and leave your audience saying WOW!
Helps Clients Understand Your Brand
Reading about your business through print can only go so far. To ensure a full experience and understanding of your business, a video needs to take you to that next level. Educating your clients, through video, about the ins and outs of your business will bring a sense of comfortability and trust in your brand. Video booklets provide more than just a few facts. Instead, they lay out details, background information, and dig deeper than just the surface of your business. Educating your target audience on how you can help and provide benefits to them will undoubtedly increase business and brand recognition.
Differentiate from the Competition
Common advertising trends can get boring. Seeing countless ads in print and online doesn’t draw the same attention and attraction from customers as it used to. For an unrivaled way to stand out, turn to the latest technology! A video booklet gives you the opportunity to show clients value and peak their interests. Let your voice be heard, rather than a quote be read. It is a more appealing approach to advertising and resonates with potential clients more than other strategies. Video booklets aren’t commonly used. Be the change and stand out among other businesses. Video booklets are bound to differentiate you from the competition!
Generate Leads
When attempting to market and advertise your business, you hope for as much business as possible. Getting your name out there is the first obstacle, but the true difficulty is hearing back from clients. With a video booklet, your brand name is clearly printed and seen within the video. When generating your video, including specific lines that provide contact information is imperative. The viewers will immediately know how to contact you to follow up and take next steps. Generating leads is a key factor in drumming up new business. While using a video booklet, you can expect a great turnaround than your traditional marketing efforts.
Build a Foundation of Trust
An in-person conversation leaves a larger impression on all parties involved. A client will be more drawn to a business when they feel that connection while conversing. Unfortunately, during these times, it’s difficult to meet in person. And, there are only so many phone conversations that can be held at once. Using a video booklet will help you begin to build that necessary foundation with your target audience. As your video plays, clients will have the opportunity to get a feel for the business and the warmth in your tone. Creating this sense of comfortability establishes trust between the potential customer and your business. This trust will then equate to sales. Over time, your efforts will create a loyal, returning client. Establishing a foundation of trust through your video booklet is sure to help increase your sales and will keep customers coming back to use your services.
At PrintAVizion, we have been creating video booklets for over 10 years. Trust our knowledge and experience to create you the most effective marketing technology available on the market!
Eager to learn more? Contact us to schedule your FREE introduction call. Our team is dedicated to showcasing our success with video booklets. Reach out now to learn how we can revolutionize your marketing efforts!