
Video Brochures in the Healthcare Industry

Pharmaceutical companies often find it difficult to convey the benefits of their latest medicines to doctors who are responsible for properly recommending them to their patients. Or, their actual connection with the correct doctor or qualified party is hit or miss.

Medical representatives who specialize in medical machines and products share the same dilemma. What can be done?

Look to Video Brochures!  They offer an effective way for pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies to market their products. Video Brochures clearly explain a procedure or a new medication and are a great reference tool. Another benefit is that pharmaceutical and medical representatives can leave it with the receptionist when the doctor or appropriate party isn’t available. They will appreciate you respecting their time and will certainly give a Video Brochure their full attention after treating patients.

Doctors also utilize Video Brochures to strategically describe a procedure or medication, helping patients to understand it in its entirety. Patients enjoy Video Brochures for the additional communication element.

Here are a few circumstances when doctors provide them to patients:

  • Diagnoses – Receiving a medical diagnosis is typically an emotional experience. Sometimes patients can’t fully comprehend the information their doctor is trying to convey due to shock and feeling overwhelmed. In this case, the doctor could provide a thoughtfully designed, portable Video Brochure so the patient can watch it after they’ve had more time to process the conversation with their doctor.
  • Medical Procedures and Treatments – For emergency cases, patients are offered several treatment options and encouraged to make a decision quickly. A Video Brochure will best provide in-depth information about each treatment or procedure, which will help them to make an informed decision.
  • Medication – Doctors do their best to speak to their patients in layman’s terms, so they understand what’s being communicated. However, sometimes technical jargon gets mixed in. A Video Brochure will help bridge the gap! They allow for both audio and visual elements to explain the advantages and disadvantages of a new medication, details, and more. Plus, the patients can re-watch for additional clarity.

Patients look to their doctor to be thorough with their time and communication during appointments. But let’s face it, doctors are BUSY! Video Brochures exist to provide that extra knowledge and communication patients crave. Doctors, transform the experience for your patients with Video Brochures. The PrintAVizion team is here to help. Schedule a call with us today!